Saturday, January 17, 2009

Still Looking For A New Year's Resolution?

Last week my younger son Edan told me about a movie he saw, Kung Fu Panda (warning: possible spoilers ahead). Towards the end of the movie the protagonist, a chubby panda bear named Po, receives the elusive Dragon Scroll which holds the secrets of Kung Fu. He unrolls the scroll and discovers that there is nothing but a reflective foil inside.

You see, Dad, said my young offspring, the moral of the story is that there was no special sauce; it was the lure of a powerful secret that motivated Po to believe in himself and succeed.

Hmm..., I said. That's interesting. You know, Edani, that sounds like a good lesson to life. There really are no magical silver bullets; instead of seeking powerful secrets one should focus on believing in oneself and work hard to achieve one's goals.

No, no, Dad, said my dear son. You don't understand. That was just a movie, it wasn't real!

Believing in yourself and working hard to achieve your goals are precious traits. If you have them, cherish them. If you don't, you may want to consider giving yourself these gifts. You can't buy them in a store, though; rather, you have to create them on your own. Moreover, these are recursive gifts, requiring you to believe that you can create them and to work hard to develop them.



  1. So I have a couple of comments.

    Apparently, this blog is a nefarious scheme intended to suck more people into having google accounts. I was not able to respond until I created one. If not a plot, it's one hell of an amazing coincidence.

    I too live my life B.I. and A.I. A.I. is so much more satisfying. My only wish is that my employer would dispense with the cost savings and reinstate the compensation plan it prematurely evacuated. But oh, what a phone! :-)

  2. Dear captain of the platforms,

    I too have a couple of comments.

    First, I'm truly sorry to hear about your employer's cost cutting measures. I hope that you are feeling proud of making this contribution, however small, to the salary of the upper level management.

    Second (and here is where I'll get myself into trouble), it appears that our mutual colleague Mr. Hall was right. After reading the iPhone blog entry he reprimanded me and said that infatuations should be reserved for women, not for phones. It seems that you ran into the same problem; after all women are gorgeous too but end up costing money :-D

    [Dear women readers: this is a joke! Perhaps a bad one, but nevertheless a joke! Look, there is even a big smiley at the end of the sentence! No, don't go! No!!!]
