Friday, January 2, 2009

Snoozers: A Community Service

Happy new year! And welcome to this blog.

This has got to be a joke. Blog? What blog? I'm writing a blog? Why? Why now? What will it be about?

Good questions, I'm glad you asked. Let's start with "why" and "why now". Well, I've been toying with the idea of writing a blog for quite some time now, and have long ago crossed the Threshold of Unjustified Laziness, i.e. the point in which one spends more time debating whether to do something than it would take to actually do it. Moreover, I recently made a big change in my life --- moved across the US to the west coast and changed employer --- so what the heck, why not change one more thing while I'm at it. Like my good friend Tomer who always chooses to go to the dentist when all hell breaks loose and the world seems to be falling apart; after all, if everything is so bad, just how much more damage can a visit to the dentist pile on? The incremental pain is simply negligible.

My new employer is this obscure company called Google (please don't send me your resume, I don't work in Recruiting). Google aims high, inspires its employees to tackle audacious problems, and strives to make the world a better place. In this spirit I will attempt to make my own contribution to the community by taking the problem of insomnia head-on. How so? By posting Snoozers: random thoughts that cross my mind. My pledge to you, the reader, is that if somehow you will manage not to doze off while waiting for the next Snoozer to be posted, you are guaranteed to be bored to sleep by the content of that highly anticipated Snoozer.

Oh, one more thing (no, I'm not Steve Jobs): I will be relying on quality rather than quantity. That is, it won't be the length of each Snoozer but rather its content that will cause you to submit to sleepiness. The Snoozers themselves will hopefully be rather short, hence necessarily incomplete. The assertion is that there is no need for perfect, whole, sound theories to make you snooze; my half-baked and often incoherent ideas should do the job just fine.

Ok, enough with this introduction. You should be deep asleep by now anyway.



  1. Welcome aboard, Koala. It would be nice to read your opinions.

    - your black fan.

  2. Oh, and one more thing:
    What the thing about google employees being so arrogant about their pay check source? Have you been brainwashed?

    Mr. Black again, in disguise
